"Well Erin....I'm really getting tired of watching Garcia out there"

Monday, September 13, 2010

Tough weekend for Atlanta

GA Tech was upset by Kansas. UGA got dominated and out-coached against South Carolina, the Falcons could not even score a touchdown and lost to a bush league quarterback, and the Atlanta Braves' Ace, Tim Hudson, got rocked and lost his third decision in a row.

Things are not looking good in Atlanta right now. Lets start with the Braves. I am really starting to get worried about the way things are going. Pitching is the first thing that is bothering me. The Phillies are playing lights out baseball right now, and their Ace pitchers are playing their best ball in September, while our pitching seems to have deserted us as of late. Huddy is our ace, and if he is losing then we are in trouble, plain and simple.

Second thing troubling is our first base play. Troy Glaus has bad knees and has been one of the worst hitters in the game for the last 3 months. What do we do, we go and get Derrek Lee, someone who I really thought would help us. He has not. He has hit 1 homerun with the Braves so far and continues to make outs in clutch situations. Should we go with Freeman? Some people would not want to throw a young guy in there in the thick of a pennant race with 18 games left, but I don't have a problem with that. If he is the Braves best first basemen than it is time for him to be a man and step up. I am just not sure he is the Braves best first baseman right now. And I don't think we are going to bench DLee. Like it or not Braves fans, were going to roll with this guy.

The third thing that concerns me is the NL West. The Rockies have won 10 in a row. The Giants are coming on strong. A week ago, I was not as worried because I knew that even if we lost out to the Phillies, at the time we had a wild card lead of 4 games. Now that lead is down to 1. And the way the Giants and Rockies are playing, it looks as if that 1 game lead may be over quickly.

However, with all this being said, there is still hope. We have been playing our second worst baseball of the year (worst was 9 game losing streak in April) and we are only down 1 game. We play the Phillies 6 more times before the season is over. Forget everything that has happened so far, those 6 games are going to decide the Braves 2010 season.

Also, keep in mind that we have a major league leading final at bat victories this year. This is living proof that this team believes in one another and does NOT give up. They are on a mission to win for Bobby and I still believe in them. So with all this being said, lets forget what has happened as of late and enjoy these last 18 pivotal games. And if we are in Atlanta or can make it to Atlanta, GO TO THE BALL PARK. We have the best home record in the national league, we are in a pennant race, and we need the fans to SHOW OUT. Lets GET IT BRAVOS!!!

On to the Falcons...

A few of my observations a day after the game:

1. No ice in "Matty Ice's" veins - We really need to stop referring to Matt Ryan as "Matty Ice". What has this guy done to deserve a nickname that refers to how clutch he is?? Now I am not saying hes not a good QB. I am not saying he can't be great. But I am tired of all this hype surrounding him. His rookie season is now 2 years removed and the NFL is about "what have you done for me lately." As of late, MR2 has not done much. I'm not sure if MR wanted that nickname, and I'm not even sure he embraces it, but he definitely has not been living up to it. He didn't get us in the endzone 1 time yesterday, and although the Steelers made a great pick with 1:40 left in the game, he is responsible for it.

I think MR is a tough player, I think hes incredibly smart as well, I just think hes not as good as Falcons fans, NFL commentators, etc. give him credit. I'm not going to give him unjust credit based on "potential". I'll give him the recognition and credit when it is justly due.

2. We lost to a pretty bad QB in Dennis Dixon. The guy didn't get his team a touchdown until OT, and that was a 50 yard aka a complete meltdown by the Falcons D. With Dixon playing QB, the Falcons should have jumped all over this opportunity. Instead, we struggled to score the entire game as well. I know Pittsburgh is still good, but the Falcons are already a game behind the Saints and lets just say they can't afford to get another game down if they want to have a chance to win the division...

GA Tech...that was a really bad loss. TERRIBLE day for the ACC. VA Tech goes down to James Madision?? So much for Boise States big win. Miami gets beat @ Ohio St. and Jacory Harris threw 4 picks. Then GA Tech lost to Kansas. Thats weaksauce.

More on UGA and Mark Richt tomorrow....

-Sports BRO

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