"Well Erin....I'm really getting tired of watching Garcia out there"

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Arkansas Game Huge for Mark Richt's Future

It is only week three of college football. It is only Georgia's second SEC game. It is only their third game with a completely new defensive staff and scheme. But for Mark Richt, there has never been as much riding on a game since he has been the head coach at the University of Georgia. Mark Richt, you CANNOT lose this game if you want to keep your job at UGA.

Now before I start talking about why this game is so important for Richt, let me first start by saying I defended him all spring and summer. In an earlier post, I talked about how Paul Finebaum, a very influential SEC media member, continually predicted that this season would be Richt's last. He wrote an article about it that you can read right here: Finebaum's article on Richt

But all spring and summer, I continually disagreed with Finebaum on Richt's future in Athens. I felt that Richt would make the necessary changes that he needed to make on defense, which he did. I felt he would get tougher as a football coach because he had to and because his calm demeanor and loving father-like figure image just wasn't cutting it anymore in the SEC. I felt Richt would change. I said he would change some things. Richt even said he was going to change some things. However, the South Carolina game proved that some of these things simply have not changed quite yet.

Now, I also predicted a few weeks ago on this blog that UGA would lose to South Carolina. However, I did say that they would get it together and rebound against Arkansas the next week. This is what makes the Arkansas game so important. The Bulldog nation is ticked off. UGA didn't tackle. UGA's highly touted offensive line wasn't tough enough. Spurrier was too good. This Saturday, UGA fans need to see change. They better see UGA's defense flying and hitting all over the field. They better see UGA's running game dictate assert its dominance on offense. They better see Richt light a fire under somebody.

To Richt's defense, he did the right thing with Aaron Murrary against South Carolina last week. He protected his freshman quarterback on the road in his first SEC game. Murray passed the test. Hes a player. We knew he would be. Well Aaron, you better be ready to sling it on Saturday, because you better believe Richt is going to pull it all out now. He can't afford not to. He has to make a statement. Because here's the thing: if UGA falls to 0-2 in the SEC, basically eliminating themsevles from getting to Atlanta without yet having played Florida, Richt may be done. It would be one thing if he won more than 7 games last year, but in this conference, with the success UGA has had, with the talent UGA and the state of Georgia continually has, there is just no excuse for the mediocrity.

Me, I still have hope. Like I said, I thought they would lose last week. I also think that last weeks loss will help the team grow up real fast and find its identity. If UGA wins Saturday, they very well may start rolling. I am hoping it happens. UGA fans, its make or break Saturday for Mark Richt.

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